Here you can find the best real estate in Algarve (Portugal).
Welcome to buy property your Algarve property search website with a large portfolio of hundreds of apartments, townhouses, building plots and exclusive villas for sale in the Algarve, Portugal. Our website is aimed towards the Portugal property buyers looking to find a property to holiday home or permanent residence in the Algarve, Portugal.
Explore our properties or contact us to find the luxury home that meets your needs. +
With 3 offices in the Algarve we’re here to assist you with the buying & selling process of luxury real estate in Portugal. Our offices are in Vilamoura, Lagoa(Carvoeiro) and Lagos. All offices are within easy to find locations at the edge of town, with free parking place available at all our locations.
year of successfull work
at the service of real estate
During the whole process, we were comfortable talking with Bart and appreciated the insight he had into the areas we considered.
We particularly liked the pre-screening Bart made before our visits as we didn’t have plenty time (Short trips from Belgium).
The service was outstanding and we look forward to maintaining a positive and productive relationship in the future with Exclusive Algarve villas for the renting of the house.
Needless to say, we highly recommend your services.
Despite the severe lack of inventory in the whole region, we were shown several suitable properties, and eventually Bart introduced us to exactly the home we were looking for. While facing some very challenging negotiations, we managed to purchase the property within 2 weeks - due in no small part to the valuable assistance of Bart and his team. Even now, several months after the completion of the purchase, I am still in contact with Bart, who is always happy to assist with any general questions concerning life in the Algarve. I would not hesitate to highly recommend Exclusive Algarve Villas to anybody looking to purchase or sell property in this region.
Onze ervaring met Bart en Melissa was bijzonder aangenaam in de zoektocht naar een mooi huis in de Algarve.
Gedreven mensen, waar niets teveel moeite is en waar Service en Dienstverlening nog echt met hoofdletters worden geschreven!
Waarbij de dienstverlening veeeeeeeeel verder gaat dan je in eerste instantie zou verwachten, en men altijd bereikbaar is voor vragen, ongeacht dikwijls het tijdstip of dag v.d. week. Bijzonder aangenaam wanneer je dikwijls slechts voor een kortere periode naar de Algarve komt weet Bart altijd wel tijd te vinden. Wellicht het meest aangename aan onze zoektocht in de Algarve was het feit dat we deze mensen hebben leren kennen. Vakmensen met ' hart' voor hun zaak en klanten, Chapeau Exclusive Algarve Villas!
Melissa has provided us with updates on the progress of the build throughout and helped us with all the buying process. At all times she has provided the perfect mix of professionalism and friendliness and we are extremely grateful for the assistance she continues to provide and look forward to keeping in touch with her.
Niet alleen heeft hij in zeer korte tijd vanuit zijn netwerk een ( buitenlandse) investeerder gevonden, maar tevens heeft Bart ons zeer sterk ondersteund bij het afhandelen van de overdracht. Dat is met name gelet op de Portugese taal, maar ook mentaliteit van essentieel belang geweest om tot overdracht te komen. Om dit zonder de hulp van een expert als Bart te moeten doen is zeer complex en leid tot fouten.
We kunnen Bart van harte aanbevelen als u in de Algarve, of zoals wij in een ander deel van Portugal vastgoed wil aan-of verkopen.
Wat kunnen we nog toevoegen aan de bestaande testimonials ?
Ze zijn correct en zeker niet overdreven , net wat wij ook ervaren hebben bij jij en Bart , geen druk, geen haast, en luisteren naar onze wensen.
Mijn echtgenote is zelf makelaar en weet dus dat de manier van werken (vooral in België) meestal zo NIET is … wij waren zeer argwanend , geheel ten onrechte, het kon niet beter verlopen zijn.
En als toetje ; de perfecte verkoper , correct tot de laatste mm. ook nà de verkoop !
Bart was really dedicated in our quest for a house and gave us immediately a good and correct idea of the priced and which value for money we can get. He guided us very good without being pushy for selling a house. He was very patient and we could unconditionnaly rely on him.
We are very grateful and lucky now and i wish the whole team a prosperous future en this beautful region.
Thank you Marcela
Thank you for your professional assistance in finding our properties in Vale do Lobo.
We are enjoying the lifestyle here every time we visit!
We have appreciated your help and excellent service.
We wish you and the team at Exclusive Algarve Villas all the best for the future and hope to get together soon for a dinner or a round of golf!
Any contact by email, telephone or messaging whether day, night or weekend was answered swiftly and politely, setting out answers to our queries. During our visit to the Algarve she fully accompanied us answering all our questions, going out of her way to show us things such as the easiest and quickest way to walk to the marina from given properties, and the best local restaurants. Also going a step further she introduced us and drove us to a Lawyer who was first class and closed the sale in just under 5 weeks.
She is a credit to your business, a Sales Agent who lets professionalism and the stunning properties sell themselves without the need for any hard sell or pressure. We look forward to our time in resort and have no doubt if we need any real estate advice or services we will contact Roshni at Exclusive Algarve first. Thank you for all your assistance
On each occasion they provided excellent advice, pointing out the ‘pros and cons’ of each villa and helped us enormously to narrow our choice.
Exclusive Algarve Villas demonstrated great professionalism throughout the entire purchasing process and beyond, including assistance with appointing a property maintenance company and interior designer.
We have no hesitation in recommending their service.
Melissa Oliveira dealt with the sale on behalf of the vendors.
We would like to say how professional and efficient Melissa has been, and how pleasant and personable she has been with us.
We encountered a few complications, but Melissa helped us through everything.
Will have no hesitation in recommending both Melissa and your company
The support Bart and his Exclusive Algarve Villas team gave us , during the search and also after we bought the house was perfect.
Bart knows the algarve house market very well and brought us to all the right people, always with a smile. That gave is a very secure feeling, which is necessary considering the large distance between home and the algarve. We already bought real-estate before but Bart and Exclusive Algarve Villas gave us the best service of all, offering that bit extra .
Thanks a lot,
He was extremely professional, helpful and friendly and showed us around an excellent variety of properties.
We are now very happy owners of a townhouse and would like to thank Michiel for all his assistance in finding our house and the subsequent negotiations.
We really cannot believe how smooth and hassle free the experience has been. We have no hesitation in recommending Exclusive Algarve Villas to anyone wanting to buy a property in the area.
When circumstances changed in 2012 we turned Bart and Marcela again to sell our home which they did and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them for all there help.
Pendant ce parcours long, nous avons tout particulièrement apprécié d'être accompagnés par les conseils judicieux d'Exclusive Algarve Villas et de ses partenaires.
Nous remercions Bart d'avoir toujours répondu très rapidement à nos questions et de nous avoir prodigué de forts utiles conseils.
We can absolutely recommend Bart and the Exclusive Algarve Villas team to everyone looking to buy a property in Portugal.
Thanks again and hope to see you both in spring when we move to our new home.
Melissa showed a very high level of attention, listening and feeling, in order to properly understand what we were looking for. In doing so, she firmly held us within our comfort zone, she put us in contact with the right people (lawyer and architects), and in the end sealed a deal which we are sure fulfills our dream of a second home in the sun.
We feel we not only now own a property, but also found a genuine friend in Melissa.
Consideramo-lo um excelente profissional, conhecedor do mercado imobiliário, mostrando-se sempre empenhado em satisfazer os interesses dos clientes com a maior honestidade.
Ele e toda a equipa do Exclusive Algarve Villas, oferecem um acompanhamento permanente, personalizado e de qualidade aos seus clientes.
Carole and I would like to thank you and your team at Exclusive Algarve Villas for all your help and assistance over the past few months.
Without doubt you have “gone the extra mile” in helping us to secure our dream villa in the Algarve.
Thank you Melanie
Exclusive Algarve Villas… De naam schrok me in eerste instantie wat af.
Eens de drempel genomen: het eerste contact met (Bart van Linden) zat onmiddellijk snor.
Duidelijk, concreet: to the point.
Altijd behulpzaam; niets was hem teveel: ’s avonds, weekend, altijd was Bart bereikbaar en ter beschikking.
Ook voor vragen van meer praktische aard kan je steeds bij Bart terecht; en omtrent de eerste stappen in een ander land is deze ‘bijstand’ bijzonder praktisch en welkom.
exclusive Algarve Villas … à een (echte!) aanrader.
Marcela & Bart: tot gauw!
So finally, we have found what we have been looking for and we are grateful for the assistance.
I’m sure we will do more business together.
Again, it was a pleasure meeting you and working with you. Hopefully, we will see each other soon.
In dit geval ben ik echter buiten de waard (lees de heer Kramer) gerekend, die zelfs mij heeft weten te overtuigen dat zelf een huis bezitten in de Algarve en dan in of in de buurt van Vale do Lobo en Quinta do Lago, waar hij als makelaar actief is, nog niet zo gek is.
Op basis van de door mijn vrouw geuite wensen heeft Michiel een aantal huizen getoond die qua grootte en ligging geschikt waren en toen een daarvan precies het huis was, waarvan zij al zo vaak had gedroomd, namen mijn overlevingskansen ernstig af.
In onze zoektocht naar een woning in de Algarve kwam Michiel met een locatie waar wij helemaal niet naar gekeken hadden, maar welke wel perfect aan onze wensen voldeed.
Tijdens de 1e bezichtiging liet Michiel ons niet alleen de villa zien, maar nam ook de tijd om de nabije omgeving te laten zien. Hierdoor kregen wij een heel goed beeld waar wij terecht zouden komen.Aan iedereen die op zoek is naar een woning in de Algarve, zullen wij zeker Michiel aanbevelen voor de begeleiding bij de aankoop van vastgoed.
Michiel nogmaals bedankt
Zunächst einmal möchten wir uns von ganzem Herzen bei dem gesamten Team bedanken, dass uns in sehr hervorragender Weise unterstützt hat, diese Villa zu erwerben... Besonders zu erwähnen ist, dass Frau Petronella auch nach dem Kauf "aftersales" Service praktizierte, der uns als Newcomer in Portugal sehr hilfreich war.
Wir würden jederzeit wieder eine Villa mit ihr kaufen. Good Job! Thank you Peggy!
Liebe Grüße Karina und Rüdiger
Everything has been well taken care off, and we are enjoying the house every time we are in Portugal!!
Thanks again, and see you soon.
De service die zij verlenen is werkelijk uitstekend zowel bij het vinden van een geschikt eigendom als bij de aankoop maar bovendien ook na de aankoop
Alles verloopt efficiënt en snel en op een aangename en vriendelijke manier
Dank u Marcella, Melissa en Bart
We would certainly recommend Exclusive Algarve Villas to our friends.
Michiel Kramer and Bart van Linden proposed a number of qualitative possibilities, all very much in line with our outlined preferences. After just a few days of intensive looking around with the help of Michiel and Bart, we were able to pick the almost ideal cherry and felt, of course, delighted (we still do now).
This is a very trustful and competent team for making your Algarve dream to become a reality !
They have an excellent selection of properties and are extremely friendly and helpful as well.
We did not feel pressured in any way and they were also there for us through the whole process which is important.
We now own a stunning property which we were able (with their help) to negotiate at a very attractive price.
We look back to a very positive experience in dealing with Exclusive Algarve Villas and can recommend them to any prospective buyers seeking professional assistance.
They were extremely friendly, efficient and eager to please.
We would recommend them to anyone.
Nous étions las de chercher et de faire des visites avec d’autres agences (...sans toujours beaucoup de rapport avec notre cahier des charges) et, enfin, vous nous avez permis de trouver la maison dans laquelle nous vivons aujourd’hui.
Quelque soit la question il y a toujours Bart pour répondre de manière très pro active et ceci pour nous est un gage de sérieux et de professionnalisme !
Soyez remerciés pour la prestation que vous avez livré.
I think we have found the things we were looking for and then the best view and location of Lagos.
We recommended Melissa to all our friends. Thanks and we stay in touch
I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Melissa and EAV.
The whole experience was made easy by Bart and the team with lots of great help and advice from start to finish.
Thank you for providing an excellent and friendly service during the viewings and negotiations and giving us confidence to secure this purchase.
We would recommend Bart and Exclusive Algarve Villas to anyone looking for a property with the Algarve.
Hope to keep in touch.
They are without question the most efficient and professional of all the agents we have encountered on the Algarve.
They not only found the property we eventually bought but also helped massively with the negotiation process.
I would recommend without hesitation that you use them to help you find your new property.
Should I buy again, I will only go through Melissa, and would recommend her to anyone with a similar situation.
Both initial purchases and all recommendations, as choice of architect, coordination with our bank and lawyer and other practical guidance in association with the deals have been proven promising and correct.
Melissa Oliveira is very professional and we felt comfortable in both deals. We can strongly recommend Melissa and we will certainly make use of her services again in the future.
Wat kunnen we nog toevoegen aan de bestaande testimonials ?
Ze zijn correct en zeker niet overdreven , net wat wij ook ervaren hebben bij jij en Bart , geen druk, geen haast, en luisteren naar onze wensen.
Mijn echtgenote is zelf makelaar en weet dus dat de manier van werken (vooral in België) meestal zo NIET is … wij waren zeer argwanend , geheel ten onrechte, het kon niet beter verlopen zijn.
En als toetje ; de perfecte verkoper , correct tot de laatste mm. ook nà de verkoop !
You have then continued to help us AFTER THE SALE by providing us with recommendations for architects and builders to help us complete our proposed refurbishment project.
You have our warmest regards and recommendation for anyone looking to purchase overseas.
Please don’t forget to come and visit.
Nous avons acheté une villa dans la région de Portimao. Ce bien nous a été présenté par Exclusive Algarve Villas. Cette agence a bien compris ce que nous recherchions, son efficacité et sa réactivé, nous a permis de négocier au mieux cet achat.
En un mot un grand confort d’acquisition.
Merci plus particulièrement à Melissa qui avec sa gentillesse, son professionnalisme et sa disponibilité, nous a permis de devenir propriétaire au Portugal.